Patch #49

    • It's patch time!

      • [feature] Vans may now replace cars. All places ingame were adjusted to display this change of rules accordingly.
      • [feature] Employees will now organize their tasks better, respecting their shift schedule and preparing themselves for their next shift as best as possible. Employees ignoring the shift schedule due to low motivation will also not prepare themselves.
      • [adjusted] Employees: When choosing a type of food, employees will now not only keep the remaining time to their next shift in mind but also chose the product that fits their needs best. This will result in a more diverse nutrition.
      • [fixed] Some cases where the income in the cash boxes did not match the statistics.
      • [fixed] Some cases where employees slept for one minute too long and missed their shift. They will now wake up 1-2 minutes before their shift start (variation is intended here)
      • [fixed] After the last patch, few players couldn't move their cars if they sold the caravan or attraction previously attached to the car.
      • [fixed] When composing a transport, the transport or caravan was not pre-selected if the vehicle had a higher level than the transport.

      Hope you appreciate the changes - happy 3rd Advent! :)