Patch #81

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    • Patch 81 - Changelog:

      • [feature] Employees: Cancel all tasks
        In the employee overview there is a new button with which you can cancel all tasks of your employees.
        Only some tasks can still be canceled (e.g. eat, sleep, wash) - the new button works exactly the same as if you click on "cancel" for each individual employee.

      • [feature] Employees: Start of Work
        It is now possible to set a Start of Work time in the employee overview. If this option is active, all employees of the business prepare for the selected time (just like when preparing for a shift). This is useful, for example, for setting up and dismantling your attraction, so that all employees are as fit as possible at this point. Of course, this only works if you give your employees enough breaks so that they can eat, sleep and wash themselves. The start of work is a new feature of the premium account.
      • [fixed] Employees: When preparing for a shift, some employees were still a little hungry. The threshold for eating in preparation for the shift (or the start of work, see above) was lowered from 70% to 85% food requirement.