Patch #88

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      • [adjusted] Adjustment of application fees.
      • [feature] New premium feature: Headquarters relocation
      • [adjusted] Employee schedules: Redesign to improve user experience
      • [new] Winter season: From December through February, Funfair Tycoon will have a slightly adjusted design. In the area behind the logo you can see a wintry landscape with animated snow.
      • [adjusted] Advent calendar: This patch contains all the technically necessary preparations for the Advent calendar. The feature is available from December 1st.
      • [feature] New reward for the advent calendar
      • [fixed] On mobile devices, the last entry in the event list was cut off

      Let's dive a bit deeper:

      Application fees

      Depending on the size of the event, some fees are now significantly cheaper. The graduation:
      • <= 20 attraction slots: 50 Taler
      • < 50 slots: 100 Taler
      • < 80 slots: 200 Taler
      • 80+ slots: 350 Taler (as it was before the patch)

      Headquarters Relocation

      Many have wished for this feature, now it is finally possible to move the company headquarters. However, there are a few rules to follow:
      • Only the property including all buildings (warehouses) will be moved.
      • Stored attractions and other things located at the company headquarters such as vehicles, caravans, transport or employees remain at the old location
      • For this reason, the move is only possible when all warehouses are empty and all caravans set up at the company headquarters have been dismantled
      • The relocation is a premium feature and costs credits, but also talers.


      These improvements are new:
      • Clearer design: The page has been tidied up overall and you have to scroll less to see as much of the shift plan as possible
      • Requirements: A new pull-out menu now displays the employees needed to run the attraction
      • Color coding: The colors of the tasks are now also visible when creating the shifts, so fewer errors can occur
      • If an employee is not a barker, the task was not previously displayed in the selection. Now it is displayed but is not selectable and has a hint instead. This should make it more visible that a skill is required for recommending/barking.
      • Times outside of opening hours are now grayed out in the shift schedule. This way you can see at a glance when you have to be open on the selected day.
      • By default, the shift schedule now jumps to the opening time, so you no longer have to set the controller yourself when loading the page

      Seasonal Design

      A small adjustment in the area behind the logo
      The design can be seen during the winter months of December, January and February.

      Advent Calendar: New reward

      This year the popular Advent calendar is back in the game! Different rewards await you every day.
      A new type of reward is brand new this year: vouchers for training of your employees!

      If you receive such a reward, the next time you want to train an employee, the costs will be covered.
      You can find several of these valuable vouchers in the Advent calendar. More about the Advent calendar in a separate topic shortly.